Katch is
the Bridge to a 
Skills First Future.

Katch is the AI-powered performance management tool that enables a

Skills-First Future.

User-friendly interface designed for non-HR experts

Katch Seeks To
Disrupt How We
Value What’s Learned

Katch Skills focuses on skills rather than traditional qualifications helping organizations identify and develop the true potential of their employees.

Roles descriptions

Interview process management tools

Employee skills ratings

Goals management

Most performance management software caters to large, well-funded organizations with robust HR teams, overlooking smaller businesses that are primed to hire based on skills.

We Streamline
Talent & Performance Management

Katch’s innovative system aggregates skills in real time to connect employers to the skills needed to find talent, grow their talent, and scale their businesses.

Digital reskilling: empowering under-resourced communities on both sides of the Atlantic

Feb 23, 2024

What skills are needed for the digital future, and how can governments and companies support the retraining of people who lack these skills?SHARE


Duygu Güner

Affiliate fellow

Anne Kjær Bathel

Founder and Managing Director, ReDI School of Digital Integration

Laura Maristany

Vice President of External Affairs, Bitwise Industries

Astrid Ziebarth

Senior fellow tech & society, The German Marshall Fund of the United States

Astrid Ziebarth

Senior fellow tech & society, The German Marshall Fund of the United States

Digitalisation and new technologies radically transform our economies and labor force. To remain competitive in a geostrategic world, economies on both sides of the Atlantic are in need and search of a workforce with skillsets to meet the new demands and jobs that digital transformation brings. This ranges from general digital literacy skills to simple coding and software engineering, to advanced skills in machine learning and AI. How can economies on both sides of the Atlantic engage, empower and train so far untapped and typically overlooked members of society, such as former inmates, single parents, refugees, or migrant newcomers in this “great re-train and upskilling”? What are the roles and duties of businesses and government in skills training for the new digital world?

The event was organised in the frame of the “EU/US Transatlantic expert group on the future of work“. The TEG has been brought together by Bruegel and the German Marshall Fund of the United States with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Bruegel and the GMF and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

Picture of EU flag with text 'Co-funded by the European Union'

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